There is a surprising connection between the quality of our water and healthful longevity. There are many health benefits of increasing the amount and quality of the water we drink. All over the world and throughout time, wherever you find the most contaminant-free water... you find the healthiest, most vibrant civilizations.
The Role of Pure Water in Detoxification:

There are more than 3800 chemicals in daily use, many of which make their way into our drinking water. Less than half of these have been tested for toxic effects in humans.In recent years, the role of heavy metals and xenobiotics (pesticides, herbicides, and industrial wastes) as causes of a wide variety of adverse health effects is receiving more and more attention. These accumulating toxins are insidious and prevalent agents capable of interfering with physiologic functions of all human systems. One cannot expect the normal detoxification systems of the body to function optimally when these substances are constantly present. In fact, the body’s ability to remove these substances becomes diminished and they are in turn stored in adipose tissues.
The National Institute of Health recently estimated our polluted environment accounts for 50% of cancer risk. There are more than 3,800 chemicals in daily use, many of which make their way into our drinking water. Less than half of these have been tested for toxic effects in humans, and less than 10% have been tested for toxicity in children.
With the growing awareness that environmental pollutants have crept into every corner of the food chain and our water supplies, many health care professionals are encouraging patients to undergo detoxification regimes. These programs encourage the body to unload its stores of accumulated environmental toxins.
Surprisingly, many of these programs fail to mention the role of pure water in detoxification. Through years of research regarding the role water plays within our bodies, it was thought that water had four functions: a solvent, transportant, lubricant, and coolant. The fifth function, that of an electro-negative enhancer, is a relatively new concept discovered through subsequent studies that revealed when water is consumed in its purest form (H2O and nothing else), it has remarkable and unique benefits for our health.
As the body ingests foods, water contributes in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients and is a key element in the removal of wastes. During detoxification, wastes that have been stored in adipose tissues are dumped into the bloodstream and lymph, and then sent to the liver and kidneys for processing and elimination. Here is where water’s fifth function, that of electronegative enhancer, comes into play: by optimizing the natural space between red blood cells, which reduces the risk of heart disease by helping to avoid clotting; and by allowing the fat cell to detox by off-loading metabolic wastes and environmental toxins into the bloodstream for elimination. This also assists in weight loss and reduces water retention.
To understand this we must understand the characteristics of the adipose cell. It is a function of the fat cell to store what the body cannot use and/or get rid of. An adipose cell contains for the most part salts, sugars, tiny amounts of lipid, and other organic pollutants, all bathed in an ocean of water. These salts and heavy metal inorganics have an affinity for others, a magnetic attraction so to speak. Fat cells are good not bad. They store toxic material and keep it from being deposited in vital areas. However, when the fat cell has reached its limit of storage, it will allow the deposition of metabolites and wastes in other areas, such as the blood vessels.
Ingestion of copious quantities of pure water enhances the electro-negativity. Through osmosis, the fat cell will try to take in more of this pure water. Because the water is pure, the fat cell will disperse its contents into solution and those contents will be removed through the kidneys more readily because of the volume and ability pure water has to carry wastes.
However, this fifth function is diminished when we drink water containing high concentrations of dissolved minerals or contaminants. The minerals found in spring and mineral water are inorganic. They are not in a form that can be easily assimilated by the human body. True, we all need minerals to maintain healthy living, but they must be of an organic origin. Humans do not have enzymes to digest rock, or we could obtain necessary minerals by sucking on stones. Simply put: plants (and microbes in the soil) eat rocks, and we eat plants.
Our kidneys filter 400 gallons of fluid each day. If there is enough water present, kidneys operate easily. If not, kidneys are forced to recycle too much and deposits may be left behind in the form of stones. Many of a kidney stone’s mineral constituents are the same as those found in tap water or bottled spring water.
Water is a poor source for dietary minerals due to the incredible variance in quantity and blend. For example, to obtain any meaningful contribution to your dietary intake of calcium you would have to consume more than fifty gallons of water per day. Recognizing that most people don’t consume the old standard of eight glasses per day, we can see that counting on water as a source of minerals is foolish.
If water carries a load of mineral salts, heavy metals, and pollutants, then it cannot be efficient in its vital functions. If your car has rusty water in the radiator, it overheats. If we have an abnormal waste level in our blood, we overheat and develop fever. This is why during detoxification it is not uncommon to feel ill and feverish; the body is dumping the stored toxins into solution so they can be removed.
Water that is void of organic contaminants and dissolved inorganic rocks is the type of water we need to consume. Drinking at least two liters of pure water daily will improve the roles that water plays within our bodies through its ability to move nutrients deeply into tissues, pick up wastes, keep us cool, and maintain joints without leaving deposits.
Water is absolutely essential to the human body’s survival. A person can live for about a month without food, but only about a week without water.
Water helps to maintain healthy body weight by increasing metabolism and regulating appetite.
Water leads to increased energy levels. The most common cause of daytime fatigue is actually mild dehydration.
Drinking adequate amounts of water can decrease the risk of certain types of cancers, including colon cancer, bladder cancer, and breast cancer.
For a majority of sufferers, drinking water can significantly reduce joint and/or back pain.
Water leads to overall greater health by flushing out wastes and bacteria that can cause disease.
Water can prevent and alleviate headaches.
Water naturally moisturizes skin and ensures proper cellular formation underneath layers of skin to give it a healthy, glowing appearance.
Water aids in the digestion process and prevents constipation.
Water is the primary mode of transportation for all nutrients in the body and is essential for proper circulation
Once we understand that our bodies are more than 70% water and that water controls virtually every aspect of our health, we can begin to understand its importance. That means not only the water we drink, but the water that we shower in... cook with... prepare soft drinks, teas and coffee with... all affect our health significantly.