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    How to Participate

    • Register your name and contact details
    • Shoot a video of the preparation of a cool drink (mocktail or shakes) with a suitable explanation about the prepara: style and the fruits added in the drink.
    • Send as the Video through:
    • Our internal panel will select the best video entries and our expert editors will tailor them into a video.
    • The selected videos will be uploaded in "Coolpex Kuwait" FB page and the videos that garner maximum Likes and Shares (Weightage: 1 Point per Like & 5 Point per Share) will be selected as the winner. The winner will be awarded an exciting prize. Only organic Likes & Shares will be counted and if any participant resorts to any unethical practices to collect likes will be disqualified with immediate effect.
    • Hurry up and rush your entries before November 15, 2020.