Try imagining life without water. We bet you can’t! , Not because it will affect your daily use. But because of its omnipresence. Yes, water is everywhere and you need it more than you think you do.
Water is there in pajamas and sheets, produced the energy that powers your bedside lamp, and helps to mine the filament in your light bulb. It’s in the coffee and the coffee pot. It’s in the milk and in the alfalfa that is fed to the cow that produces the milk.
Do you know where your water comes from? Not the tap, but the source? Is it a nearby river? A lake? Now think about how much water you use. Can you quantify it?
An average household of four consumes 400 gallons per day. Juxtapose this with the water use of many families in Africa and other parts of the developing world, who often consume as little as 5 gallons per day. Their morning looks very different, too.
The matriarch of the family wakes and set out for a long stroll to fetch water. sometimes miles to the nearest water source to fetch all the water for the day.
For us, water management might be just an abstract idea. But for them, it is a survival instinct.
Because the family’s water doesn’t come from a tap, they know its source. If it runs low, they know who is taking too much. If it becomes polluted, they know who is to blame. They know that if their freshwater resource is in trouble, so are they.
Globally, more than one in 10 people lack access to clean water, and one in three doesn’t have access to a toilet. Unsafe drinking water kills more people than wars do.
In 2015 the United Nations came together to create a set of global goals known as the Sustainable Development Goals. The 17 goals are a new development agenda for a sustainable world—a 15-year “business plan for the planet” that is expected to drive trillions of dollars in public and private aid and investment and to prompt significant legal and administrative reform. One of those goals calls for the world to work toward ensuring availability and sustainable management of water resources, as well as safe water and sanitation for all.
Unfortunately, freshwater ecosystems are in a perilous state. We are losing our largest free-flowing rivers. Half the world’s wetlands have been drained, filled, planted, or paved. These resources are more precious and vulnerable than people realize. In fact: Of all the water on Earth, less than 1% is fresh and available to supply human demands for food, energy, and everyday life.
Feeding an additional 2 billion people by 2050 will require a 15% increase in water withdrawals, and the water required to produce energy is expected to increase by more than 85%. Increased demand combined with climate change will leave two-thirds of the planet living in water-stressed regions by 2050.
Water is an essential part of all life on the globe. Plant and animal could not live without water. Water ensures food security, livestock security, maintain organic life, industrial production and to conserve the biodiversity and environment. Hence, there could no life without water. With God’s gifted earth is the only planet, so far we know that it possesses water and this makes it fit for human living and other living organisms to exist on it.
This precious substance which is not properly utilized by mankind and increasing demand due to the growing population and unsuitable lifestyle, many countries are facing a severe water crisis.
Year by year per capita availability of water is decreasing which threats to human life in many ways. If proper planning and corrective measures are not taken up in the proper place and proper time many countries will have to face a decline in food production and water security soon. So let’s stand together and make every drop count.